martes, 21 de mayo de 2024



Good evening beautiful women, how have you been? I know I disappeared again but it's because I've been depressed and when I'm in that mood I don't want to do anything, I've just been sleeping and watching series. By the way, my novelas have come to an end and now I don't know what to do with my life. Ok just kidding, but I miss watching soap operas on TV. What I loved about watching old soap operas is that I really liked the outfits and hairstyles.

So, I thought I would share with you a post about hairstyles for women over 70, I swear you will love these hairstyles because you won't have to dye your hair. With these hairstyles you will be able to show off your beautiful gray hair. These hairstyles are elegant and stylish, so don't limit yourself to just having boring hairstyles.

For example you can wear these haircuts:

- Classy bobs: These hairstyles are timeless classics that show sophistication. It enhances your cheekbones and makes you look beautiful. For women with fine hair, a layered bob will add volume and movement.  A tip from my grandmother is that if you want to stiffen your hair, you should put a rosemary mask on your hair.

Long, luxurious hair:
I believe that older women can sport spectacular long hair, as long as it is healthy and well cared for. I have always seen few women with long hair, but the ones I have seen look amazing. You just have to know how to take care of your hair. I recommend opting for loose waves or curls to create a soft, feminine effect.

Enjoy your natural hair:
For women with natural curls, leave it as your hair is because texture is key. I recommend using products that define and enhance your curls. So below I'll leave you with a bunch of ideas to show off your natural hair.

13 comentarios:

  1. No pics of straight thin hair

  2. None of these women are 70!

  3. These women all have hair that is nothing like mine which is fine and straight and shoulder length.

  4. Half these women are not 70 or older. And with age some of us loose our luscious thick locks, where are the styles for us?

  5. At least use models in their 70’s!!!

  6. None of these models appear to be 70 years old. Please use models relevant to our age group with more varied hair length.

  7. Where are the women over 70? Most of your models aren’t near 70.

  8. The hair styles are all cute but you'd need curly hair to pull them off. I have straight hair am 62 but not going down without a fight could you please show some cuts for me my length is little past shoulder length.

  9. Finally some ideas for curly hair. Appreciate.

  10. nice to see longer hair....but too fussy for older people to manage, & most of the models were not over 70

    1. I quite agree, no use showing us photos of beautiful well groomed models when what we want is hairstyles that will suit us women in our 70's who do not have the time or money to go to the Salon every few days :)

  11. Why do all of these women have grey hair...I am 70 with dark brown hair and by the way NONE of these pictured are 70!

  12. Ladies, the article doesn't say look at these 70 year olds with these hairstyles, it says "hairstyles for women over 70". I personally love these hairstyles. I'm 79 years old next week and I wear my hair like the woman in the 3rd from the bottom picture. You don't need to look like you're in your 70's. My hair is mostly steaked white/gray. This style on a 70 year old woman takes years off. Today's women are busy and need styles that are not so quaffed and rigged. Don't spend so much time in front of a mirror trying to have every hair on your head in place...loosen up!
