jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2022


Hello beautiful women, what's up? today again I didn't have the best day. But well, I know it will get better and I really hope so. Among other news, I bring you a very interesting post that I know you will like a lot. 

As you read in the title today I bring you some great hairstyle ideas that may interest women over 50. I think that although styles and cuts come and go in fashion, choosing a classic style that suits your face is a bit tedious. That's why I bring you some ideas to make you look more modern.

A super cool tip I give you is that shorter hairstyles like mid-length, long locks can also be anti-aging. Another cool tip is that if you love your long hair but find it looks boring, consider adding bangs to modernize your style. Bangs are a great way to modernize any hairstyle.

25 comentarios:

  1. Me fascinaron los cortes de pelo!!♥️

    1. Nome of these women are 60 or more! 😡

    2. Not one woman has curly hair like mine. I don't have straight hair and I don't have a lot of hair in the front to give me a full and wonderful 'BANG'. SO....where are some of those styles??? R

  2. I would love to see some diversity

  3. Respuestas
    1. Exactly what I was wondering! Not everyone has straight hair. And all of these hairstyles are so controlled with a lot of hairspray needed.

    2. Mine is wavy too and I have no time to spend blow drying, straightening yata yata. After all that I know it wouldn’t look like those pics, plus I’d be exhausted lol.

    3. Please, include curly hair options.

    4. It is disappointing that every hairstyle was similar and for straight hair. How about some curly or wavy hair options??

  4. Y las que tenemos cabello muy fino y escaso.?

  5. Nada para quienes tenemos el cabello rizado?

  6. Me gustaría algún corte para cabello quebrado...o medio ondulado

  7. Muy cierto, bellos pero solo para cabellos lacios.

  8. Pq SIEMPRE se cree q llegando a los 50 tienes que cortarte el cabello y ser pelona el resto de tu vida? Pq no cabello largo? Hay cortes lindos en cabello x debajo de los hombros. Me niego a ser pelona.

    1. Exatamente! Há mulheres maravilhosas com cabelos longos, lisos, ondulados ou chacgeados. De onde surgiu essa regea que is cabelos oregisam ser curtos?

      ¡Exactamente! Hay mujeres maravillosas con cabello largo, liso, ondulado o rizado. ¿De dónde viene esta regla de que se requiere que el cabello sea corto?

  9. Solo pelo liso y para las mujeres con rizos? Only for straight hair and what of curly hair women?

  10. Hairstyles for women… there, fixed it for you

  11. Ridiculous! I’m 57 with long and wavy hair! Never felt more free and comfortable. Does not matter how old we are, be yourself and do not let others dictate who you should be or how you should look!

  12. Although I love the look of these hairstyles, I always + still have slightly scruffy hair. Suits me better than tidy hair.

  13. Thanks for showing curly styles 🙄

  14. It would be great to have ideas for haircuts that are low maintenance.

  15. I have super thining and aging fine hair. I think I should order a real longish hair topper, then dye my hair to match it. Then it could be kinda scruffy and messy/sexy. I am in my late 60’s

  16. How about a woman with fine hair but a lot of it ?
